Aromatherapy for Pregnancy, Birth, and Postpartum
Eight Modules
Want to learn to support clients with essential oils and aromatherapy? This is the course for you. Taught in conjunction with Heart of Herbs Herbal School a NAHA-approved school. A Clinical Aromatherapist and Birth Worker teach this program.
Who is this program for?
This program is for health care professionals, midwives, doulas, pregnancy support professionals, or individuals with an interest in the safe use of essential oils during pregnancy, birth, and postpartum.

What are the program outcomes?
By the end of the programs, students will feel confident in their knowledge to manage common pregnancy challenges using safe and proper essential oils during all stages of pregnancy, birth, and postpartum.
Program Outline
Introduction to Aromatherapy
- What is Aromatherapy
- History of Aromatherapy
- Benefits of Aromatherapy
- Aromatherapy Applications
What are Essential Oils
- What are essential oils?
- Distillation Processes.
- Carrier Oils
Essential Oil Safety
- Essential Oil Safety
- Safety Tips for Using Essential Oils
- Cautions and Contraindications
- Safety of Essential Oils in Pregnancy.
Essential Oil Blending
- Blending Essential Oils
- Essential Oil Notes
- Essential Oil Quality
- Essential Oils- Studies and Research
- What is an Adverse Reaction?
- Adverse Reactions
- Balancing a Blend
Proper Processes in Care Settings
- Using Essential Oils in Care Settings
- Working the Room
- Dilution
- Ethics in Care
Essential Oils in Pregnancy
- Essential Oils in Pregnancy
- Pregnancy Issues and Solutions
- Reproductive Toxicology
- Reproductive Recap
- IFRA Banned List: oils not safe to use.
Essential Oils for Labor
- Essential Oils for Labor and Delivery I
- Essential Oils for Labor and Delivery II
- Essential Oils for Labor and Delivery III
- Essential Oils for Specific Issues in Labor
- Studies and Extracts
Essential Oil Chemistry
- Chemistry- Essential Oil Constituents
- Chemistry of Essential Oils
- Chemistry Chart
Essential Oil Quality
- Essential Oil Quality
- Essential Oil Storage
- Essential Oil Shelf Life
Final Examination for Certification
- The exam is cumulative of all work done in the program.
- Open Resource.
What can this program do for me?
What Will I Learn?
- Introduction to Aromatherapy
- Essential Oils for the Birth Professional- Aromatherapy for Pregnancy, Birth, and Postpartum
- Discover what learning tools and options for connections and learning are available to the students.
- What is aromatherapy, history, and development?
- Learn about essential oils, distillation methods.
- Essential oil general safety.
- Aromatherapy and Essential Oil safety for pregnancy.
- Essential oil quality and standards.
- Safe Oil Lists.
- Evaporation, Notes, and Blending
- Proper Storage and Purchasing
- Essential oils for pregnancy issues, like morning sickness, exhaustion, insomnia, hyperemesis gravidarum, ligament pain, varicose veins, sore muscles, and many more issues common in pregnancy.
- Essential oils for postpartum issues like “the blues,” exhaustion, anxiety, body care, infant care, breastfeeding, and the common issues that occur in the first six weeks postpartum.
How Will This Enhance My Birthwork?
- Ethics in essential oils use and birth work.
- Being a safe and creative practitioner.
- Aromatherapy for birth and labor, pain management, massage, transition, the final push, etc.
- Taking a training from a birth worker ensures you are getting the best information and birth worker skills.
- Make sure you are not working to inhibit but enhance your birth practice.
- Proper processes in Care Settings.
- Demetria Clark, the best-selling Aromatherapy Author, answered students’ questions.
- Where to buy, how to buy essential oils, researching essential oils.
- Resources to enhance your work and client skills.
- Further aromatherapy education, resources, and helpful information for students and birth professionals.
- Professional development and incorporating aromatherapy for pregnancy, birth, and postpartum.
- Gain the confidence and skills to support clients with Aromatherapy in a variety of care and birth settings.
What Our Students Say

I now have the confidence to use essential oils with my clients safely and ethically. I love having this to add to my birth practice.

Abigail W.

Wasn’t sure if this class would be helpful, I though I already knew a lot. Wow! It has so much information, I loved it.

Michelle Peters
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